The Best of the Previous Decades!
The Tragic, Violent, Shocking Story of Connie Francis
This is a movie blockbuster that has yet to be made. The story of Concetta Rosemarie Franconero of Newark is filled with heartbreak, drama and violence amid some of the greatest vocal performances on record ever.
Bill Evans
Bill Evans, from North Plainfield, is “one of the greatest pianists” according to Herbie Hancock. The genius of Bill Evans lay in how he utilized harmonic structures to create almost an impressionist interpretation of the jazz idiom.
Clyde McPhatter, Englewood
Inducted posthumously into the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame in 1987, the story of Clyde McPhatter can only be construed as a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.
Jon Bon Jovi
No one, not even Bruce, ever actually named one of his albums ‘New Jersey.’ Back then, JonBon, as we used to call him, wore his Jersey roots on his sleeve. Literally.