Life, by The Salt Collective (as produced by Chris Stamey), has Matthew Caws (Nada Surf), Juliana Hatfield, Matthew Sweet, Peter Holsapple/Gene Holder/Will Rigby (the dB’s), Richard Lloyd (Television), Mitch Easter (R.E.M. producer/Let’s Active), Anton Barbeau, Susan Cowsill, Pat Sansone (Wilco) and Faith Jones. With a rave in the U.K.’s Mojo magazine (“…elegant masterclass…collegial pop power…high-speed emotional chase…these are songs of impressive experience”), they’re taking their act on the road for a quick zip next month landing in Jersey City at White Eagle Hall Jan. 20. The touring version consists of Caws, Easter, Holder, Stamey, Lynn Blakey (Tres Chicas), Rob Ladd (The Connells) and two members of the original Paris-based Salt from which this Collective was born, Stephanie Schuck and Fred Quentin. Should be fun.