Your Best Nightmare Lives In Warren County

Girl has a chip on her shoulder. She calls herself Your Best Nightmare. Her album is entitled Your Best Nightmare Presents: A Simple Solution for Toxic Masculinity. (We won’t belabor the point by offering spoilers.) The Hackettstown hellraiser used to be known for bubblegum punk and mastery of the ukulele. Now she writes horror-themed narratives with genre-defying musical prowess. The 11 tracks that comprise the Simple Solution move beyond punk into the realm of pop-prog (if there is such a thing) incorporating her warped version of classic rock doused with the rebel-yell of blunt folk and art-rock. See what we mean here:


Mike Greenblatt

MIKE GREENBLATT has been writing for Goldmine magazine and New Jersey's Aquarian Weekly for more than 35 years. His writing subjects fill the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

He's interviewed Joe Cocker, Graham Nash, David Crosby, Carlos Santana, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, Johnny Cash, and members of The Rolling Stones and The Beatles. He was 18 when he attended Woodstock in 1969.

In addition to writing about music, Greenblatt has worked on publicity campaigns for The Animals, Pat Benatar, Johnny Winter, Tommy James and Richard Branson, among others. He is currently the editor of The Jersey Sound.


U.L.T.R.A.S. Makes Music For Music’s Sake Alone


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